Sunday, December 19, 2010

Buttlock and Snickerdoodles

So there's a new dance craze sweeping the Coffey-Kivett household. It's called the buttlock. Imagine a headlock. Now imagine you're locking someone's butt instead of their head. Now imagine you're using your butt to do it. Yes, it is as awesome as you're imagining. I invented it a couple of days ago (this is Henry), for reasons that I think are obvious. Or not.
Last night, after gorging his tiny tummy on my slightly dry but otherwise delicious homemade snickerdoodles (this is actually pronounced snack-ah-doodahls, btw), Benjamin started buttlocking like an expert. Seriously. His butt, by the way, is mostly out of diapers these days. We were so used to a big bunchy diaper butt, that his little buns now seem like tiny pink plums. Plums that lock.
We had a really fun night, and he totally dug my sweet buttlocking and kicking dance moves. He'd annouce "Buttlock!" and totally lock butt. Then I'd lock his butt and he'd yell, "take it back," and throw it back at me. A little more practice and I think we'll be ready for the big time. Whatever the "big time" is in the buttlocking world.

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