Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vegetarian No More

We kept putting off feeding Benjamin meat while we've been pondering our own lifestyle choice in regards to vegetarianism. But today our little Bug finally ate his first critter. A bit of chicken from Boston Market.

What can we say? We just couldn't commit the time and energy to make the change and felt like hypocrites denying him the full spectrum of things we enjoy (and were struggling to find enough protein-rich foods that he would actually eat more than a molecule of). He gobbled up several little pieces of chicken like he'd been doing it his whole life.

But, like with all things he eats, once he was done, he was DONE. You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make him eat a whole chicken in one sitting. Not that that's a good idea. It's late. I'm rambling. Night night, Benjamin.