Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Benjamin Is In To This Week

Benjamin is really enjoying the great weather we've been having. He would be happy to stay outside all day and night if we let him. Other things he loves at the moment are:

-the kitties, Guinea and Ma'am
-getting his toes
-touching and caressing (and sometimes accidentally slapping) faces
-the letter "L"
-Sesame Street
-the huge window that takes up most of the wall at Grandmommy & Granddaddy's house in Burlington that looks out at the pool and backyard
-jumping and dancing
-blowing raspberry-ish bubbles with lots of slobber
-slurping his fingers
-tucking his hand between his Mommy's chin and chest while lying down to breastfeed during naps and nightime, scratching his nails against her until it looks like she's been in a cat fight (with a cat)