Monday, November 22, 2010

Last Two

We woke up today knowing that this is the last month Benjamin will be two years old. How is that possible? Today is his 35-month birthday. Thirty-five wonderous months during which he has changed from a little preemie to a chubby infant, then a sprouting toddler and now a tall and lanky little boy.

This has been a hard year for Benjamin in so many ways. Seeing his Halmuni so ill and then being away from home for such an extended time while she was in the hospital, being away from me (Mommy) for long periods of time for the first time in his life while I was with Halmuni in the hospital, and then finally losing his beloved Halmuni and best friend. And he has been a trooper through it all. The other day he and I were in Halmuni's room watching t.v. and laying on her bed, something he did daily with her and something that comforts both of us now and makes us feel closer to her. We were eating dry cereal in the bed and made a bit of a mess and he said, "Let's clean it up before Halmuni gets back." It broke my heart. Too much for a two year old to understand. Too hard for a thirty-five year old to understand.

Tonight during his shower Benjamin had a new first. He gargled for the first time! He has been mimicking Henry for months now but never quite getting it exactly right, not as far back in the throat to be a true gargle. But tonight, he did it! Each day is a new skill. We eagerly look forward to each small and large discovery Benjamin makes during his last two-year month and look ahead to the three-year old discoveries that he will unveil. Happy birthday to you, our sweet baby!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just a Swangin'

On Wednesday Benjamin and I were feeling well enough to run some errands in the car and really needed to get out of the house since we've been homebound since we got sick at Halloween. It was making us both grumpy. On the way home I decided to make a detour to Bur-Mil Park to get some fresh air and sunshine as it was a beautiful, warm Fall day.

We met too little girls there, sisters named Wendy and Vera and their dad and Yeah-Yeah. Up until then Benjamin would feel most comfortable with his belly down on the swings rather than bottom down. Vera asked her daddy to push her swing to the Moon. Bug liked that idea and asked me to do the same. So we swung like that for awhile but then he told me he wanted to sit in the swing the other way. So he sat with his bottom down on the swing and asked me to push him to Saturn. I happily obliged while holding on to him because he has never been stable swinging this way. But he said he wanted to do it himself so I let go and pushed him softly. I guess my speed was too slow to get to Saturn in a timely fashion. "More, Mommy!"

While reminding him to hold on every two seconds I pushed harder and up he went, a little higher each time, not as high as the big girls but for his first time on a swing by himself he did awesome!

And then, without warning, he just jumped off. Good thing the playground is super padded with wood chips! "I'm okay, Momma!" I thought this ending to his swinging would deter him from getting on them again but before we left he ran back over to the swings and did it again. Again, he jumped off at the end but we talked about how next time he should let me know when he was done and we could slow things down before he jumped off.

Our little boy is growing up!

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Tonight

Benjamin watched his first game show tonight. I mean really watched it. There have been game shows on in the background before that I'm sure he absorbed but didn't really acknowledge. But tonight he was into it. It was called "Family Game Night" and involved kids and parents on teams playing games like Connect Four, Bop It, and Cranium in order to win prizes. He was all into it. He watched quietly for a long time and then asked some questions and at the end he gave commentary on his favorite parts. I think the Bop It section was the most exciting to him. And us, too.

His other new thing tonight is he threw up a little in his mouth. Not as a result of the show. But maybe because of all the orange juice he's been downing since he has been sick with a cold this past week. But he was confused when it happened. "What is that?" Henry asked if it was sour and he nodded. Yeah, not the most exciting news but still notable. Well, to me anyway. Nice that he's gone this long without ever experiencing this particularly yucky bodily function. But cute that we will always be able to reflect back on when he first threw up a little in his mouth.

"I remember the night you first threw up a little in your mouth. It was a cold and windy night...."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Benjamin said new things today.


He made both his Mommy and Daddy very proud!