Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big Question

Last night I was peeling and cutting up some apple and I told Benjamin "God gave you teeth so use them" as he tentatively licked the small piece I handed him.

"Who is God?"
"God's the one who made everything."
"I don't want to use my teeth."

Skip to an hour later, while we were in bed about to read some books before bedtime. Out of the blue he asks, "Who is God?" But this time it was a reflective question, one he had been thinking about to himself for the last hour since he learned my basic definition of God. He was intrigued and curious about how in the world someone could make everything and how come he hadn't heard of this before? I blame his dad, Mr. Religious Studies, who, when I told this story, corrected me.

"Evolution made his teeth."

Whichever way you think, I am thankful for my Bug and his chompers.

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