Friday, November 5, 2010

New Tonight

Benjamin watched his first game show tonight. I mean really watched it. There have been game shows on in the background before that I'm sure he absorbed but didn't really acknowledge. But tonight he was into it. It was called "Family Game Night" and involved kids and parents on teams playing games like Connect Four, Bop It, and Cranium in order to win prizes. He was all into it. He watched quietly for a long time and then asked some questions and at the end he gave commentary on his favorite parts. I think the Bop It section was the most exciting to him. And us, too.

His other new thing tonight is he threw up a little in his mouth. Not as a result of the show. But maybe because of all the orange juice he's been downing since he has been sick with a cold this past week. But he was confused when it happened. "What is that?" Henry asked if it was sour and he nodded. Yeah, not the most exciting news but still notable. Well, to me anyway. Nice that he's gone this long without ever experiencing this particularly yucky bodily function. But cute that we will always be able to reflect back on when he first threw up a little in his mouth.

"I remember the night you first threw up a little in your mouth. It was a cold and windy night...."

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