Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yesterday I told Benjamin I missed Halmuni and he asked what happened to her. I told him she went to heaven. He asked why and I said that she got sick, really sick. He asked why she didn't wash her hands enough (to avoid getting sick) and I tried to explain that it wasn't a sickness that you can get from germs on your hands. He misses her so much it is painful to see. The other day he was upset with me and Henry and ran from our bed (where we were all playing) and ran down the hall to Halmuni's room. He stopped in front of her door that has been shut for months now, her room full of things that we need to go through. I went to go get him and I almost lost it. He looked so completely sad and lost, wanting so much to rush through that door into the comfort of her arms. Like he used to do. Momma, I know you are watching over your favorite boy. But our hearts ache without you here with us. We miss seeing you, hugging you, hearing you. And Benjamin misses you like crazy. I don't want him to forget all the things he knows now about you. I pray he won't forget.


Dedwarmo said...

I lost my Grandpa when I was 8 years old. He was my mother's father and she loved him very much. She always tells stories about how much fun he was. He was a prankster and joker. Everybody loved him. I went to a baseball game with my mom on Friday and she talked about how she used to sit between her mom and dad and listen to them talk about the game.

Dedwarmo said...

I just found this on

"One of the highlights of our Korea trip was visiting my last surviving grandparent, my mom's mom, who I call halmuni. She is 95 going on 50, and although her hearing's on the outs, she's still as sharp as a whip. Don't let these pictures fool you: the lady looks like a sweet 85-pound bundle of cuddliness, but she will cut a bitch when it comes down to two things: heaven help you if you try to help her in any way, or if you're fat. Unfortunately for me, I am guilty on both charges.

After bowing to her and seeing her chuckle as the kids did the same, she grabbed my arm like a vise and mumbled, "Something this thick should be a leg!" I giggled nervously, saying yes, I will lose weight. "Yes you should, you look pregnant for goodness' sake!" Then she slapped my thigh and chuckled at the sound it made.

Later on in the visit, she got up really quickly from the ground, like super-ninja-fast. So I instinctively reached over to help her and she karate-chopped my hands away, again mumbling, "Don't hurt yourself."

My halmuni kicks ass."