Saturday, November 14, 2009

Half Robot, Half Turtle... All Bug.

For Benjamin's second Halloween we once again went with two costumes (Last year he was a pea pod and a chicken- very cute!). Here are some pics of Benjamin Bug rockin' his turtle suit and the homemade robot gear we made for him. We looked and looked but couldn't find a professionally constructed robot costume that fit... and he had to have a robot costume- he's been really into "obobs" recently, so we didn't want to disappoint.

Anyway, we were really looking forward to showing him off to trick-or-treaters, but only got about four, so it was a little anti-climactic. He liked dressing up, though.

Oh, and Halloween introduced the concept of monsters to Bug. He's constantly running around yelling, "MONTER! MONTER!" Not scared, really, so much as crazed. He really loved the monster on the card Grandmommy sent him. Carried it around all day.

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