Monday, September 22, 2008

Nine Months Old Today!

Okay, so it's been a month since we've posted. Bad, bad, bad!

Grandmommy and Granddaddy from Florida visited for about 3 weeks and we all had a great time. Lots of "Nabiya" was sung by Grandmommy Kim to Benjamin's delight. We miss them and hope they come back to visit soon!

New things since we last posted. Benjamin now crawls FORWARD! And fast, too! He also is waving "hi" and "bye" and can identify his Mom and Dad ("Where's Mommy?" He'll look to Mommy. "Where's Daddy?" He'll look at Daddy). He is still doing well with the handful of signs we taught him. He knows milk, mommy, daddy, kitty cat, eat, and the sign for more. And he loves a good round of Peek-A-Boo. He also loves to get in his walker and chase the gigantic yoga ball around the house, shrieking and smiling.

Things he still enjoys: Airplane, There's a Baby in the Mirror!, Dance Dance Dance Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle, Yo Gabba Gabba, Licky Lellie Lemon Drop, Hand, bath time, toes (his and other people's), looking at EVERYTHING!, and going "grllluurrr!"

Here are pictures from today. Happy Birthday, Benjamin Bug!!!

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