Sunday, December 30, 2007

Health Update

Benjamin's most recent biliruben test came back and we're happy to report that his liver is back up to snuff. He's particularly happy about this because he was getting tired of having vials of blood draw through little cuts in his heels. Ow!

Also, breastfeeding is progressing nicely. Mom's full-fledged milk has come in and he's spending about 40 hours a day latched or looking around for something to latch on to.

His weight, which was down to 4lbs 14 oz a couple of days after birth, is back up to 5+ lbs and he's filling out nicely (though still little bitty next to a housecat, and none of his clothes fit!!)


crazyunclerichard said...

I hope that all of the hype about genetics was just that, HYPE, because if Ben grows up looking like Dad he will not have much luck with the ladies.

crazyunclerichard said...

For now though he is a good looking kid. Both of us (his unstable aunt Nette) are glad he is good health. Your sister says you do not call her enough. She expects you to set a better example for your nephew.