Thursday, July 14, 2011


We are in Florida visiting Poppy and lots of relatives! Tonight Benjamin played his first official game of Black Jack with his own money with Poppy and his cousin, Hannah. He did very well and has the hand signals down pat! Tonight Poppy also told him about his life in the military and Benjamin was enthralled. Especially about the "blowing stuff up" parts. He listened intently and also had lots of questions. I am glad he got to hear it from Poppy firsthand as I can never remember all the places he has been because it is a lot!

Today was also Uncle Gene's birthday so we had dinner with the family here at the house and had cake and ice cream as well. Uncle Gene opened cards and gifts and it was a great night!

Benjamin just fell asleep to me reading "If I Ran the Zoo" by Dr. Zeus. This is his favorite book these days and is extremely loooooong! But he loves it! And for that we don't mind reading it forty million and one times :)

'night night!

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