After his lesson we ran to get breakfast and change into our wedding clothes. Our friends John and Christy's wedding was at 10 a.m. so we had just enough time to get there. We realized that we left Benjamin's nice sweater at home so I had to pop into Kohl's to pick up a nice shirt. He looked super cute!
He did great during the wedding itself and had a good time during the reception with Brennan and Fiona and making new friends. I watched him walk up to an older lady he didn't know and start chatting her up, even pulling a chair closer to her and sitting with her for awhile. I love that he is so social and has never met a stranger. Sweet baby. During the reception it began to snow, the first snow of the year.
After the reception he feel asleep in the car and Henry and I drove around for awhile to let him sleep. We even got take out and ate in the car while he slept. It was beautiful to see the snow fall.
When we got home Benjamin woke up and got bundled up to go outside to play in the snow. We all had such a great time! And when we got too cold we came in and Benjamin had his first hot chocolate, homemade by him and Daddy. He took a sip or two but then decided to make his own concoction, his new favorite drink, water, a squeeze of lemon, and marshmallows. Doesn't that sound delicious? He guzzled it right down. It was a jam-packed day of great memories. A full day, indeed!
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