This has been a hard year for Benjamin in so many ways. Seeing his Halmuni so ill and then being away from home for such an extended time while she was in the hospital, being away from me (Mommy) for long periods of time for the first time in his life while I was with Halmuni in the hospital, and then finally losing his beloved Halmuni and best friend. And he has been a trooper through it all. The other day he and I were in Halmuni's room watching t.v. and laying on her bed, something he did daily with her and something that comforts both of us now and makes us feel closer to her. We were eating dry cereal in the bed and made a bit of a mess and he said, "Let's clean it up before Halmuni gets back." It broke my heart. Too much for a two year old to understand. Too hard for a thirty-five year old to understand.
Tonight during his shower Benjamin had a new first. He gargled for the first time! He has been mimicking Henry for months now but never quite getting it exactly right, not as far back in the throat to be a true gargle. But tonight, he did it! Each day is a new skill. We eagerly look forward to each small and large discovery Benjamin makes during his last two-year month and look ahead to the three-year old discoveries that he will unveil. Happy birthday to you, our sweet baby!
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