When Henry got home we talked about the two new words he learned today and thought we should make an effort to each teach him at least one new word a day. Since I was ahead of the game with two, Henry had to think of a good one. He decided to teach Benjamin the word "spatula" since it fell right in line with the theme of the day and what he was using to stir and feed us his soup. After several attempts at getting him to say it we figured it was maybe a bit too late and a bit too long of a word and we would try it again later.
We all snuggled into the bed to do our nightly sleepy-time routine. Benjamin likes to lay on me and kind of hang off the bed. I usually just reign him back in but tonight Henry rescued us as I yelled, "Daddy, help us!" And Henry sang a line of the Wonder Pets theme song, "What gonna work? Teamwork!" And Benjamin says back, "Teamwork!" So Henry got his word in before the day was done. And it was a nice word to end the day on.
On another Wonder Pets note Benjamin also said the word "honey" tonight for the first time while watching the Bee episode. But we can't take credit for that one.

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