Tonight, while playing Tent in front of the refrigerator, Benjamin said his first 5-word sentence: "Come on, Daddy--come in!"
We also played Super Hero for the first time tonight with various blankets and robes acting as capes. And Benjamin played his first announced game of Tag last night when his Daddy got home from work. Both of these games were played up and down our little hallway. We need a bigger hallway, lol!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
4 word sentence!
Yesterday, while walking around the neighborhood with his Mommy and Daddy, Bug said his first 4 word sentence.
"Wait, come back, truck!"
He then attempted to run after the truck that had passed us on the road. Fortunately, he could not catch the truck and no one was harmed.
Also, many sticky pine cones were collected and he saw his very first cast of a Sasquatch footprint. But that's whole other story.
"Wait, come back, truck!"
He then attempted to run after the truck that had passed us on the road. Fortunately, he could not catch the truck and no one was harmed.
Also, many sticky pine cones were collected and he saw his very first cast of a Sasquatch footprint. But that's whole other story.
Happy 23 Month Birthday!
As of 1:13PM this afternoon, Benjamin is a wizened 23 months old. Happy Birthday, Bug!* It's hard to believe that the tiny little sweet potato we brought home will be 2 years old in just a few short weeks. Everyone tells you it flies by, and it's true. On the one hand, it feels like I've known him forever, on the other, two years has taken no time at all.
*Happy Belated 22nd Month while we're at it, Bug! We didn't post anything on the blog for that momentous occasion, but we were well aware and had much fun! I can't believe the past month went so quickly!
*Happy Belated 22nd Month while we're at it, Bug! We didn't post anything on the blog for that momentous occasion, but we were well aware and had much fun! I can't believe the past month went so quickly!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We have some additions to a few recent posts. While we were on the couch today Benjamin added "no, don't" to his arsenal of expressing the idea of no. Hmm...this might even be his first conjunction?? And he said another 3-word sentence when we were outside enjoying the beautiful day. He took off across the yard and we were all the way to street. He looks back at the house and Halmuni was still getting her shoes on. "Hurry up, Mahni!"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Half Robot, Half Turtle... All Bug.
For Benjamin's second Halloween we once again went with two costumes (Last year he was a pea pod and a chicken- very cute!). Here are some pics of Benjamin Bug rockin' his turtle suit and the homemade robot gear we made for him. We looked and looked but couldn't find a professionally constructed robot costume that fit... and he had to have a robot costume- he's been really into "obobs" recently, so we didn't want to disappoint.
Anyway, we were really looking forward to showing him off to trick-or-treaters, but only got about four, so it was a little anti-climactic. He liked dressing up, though.
Oh, and Halloween introduced the concept of monsters to Bug. He's constantly running around yelling, "MONTER! MONTER!" Not scared, really, so much as crazed. He really loved the monster on the card Grandmommy sent him. Carried it around all day.

Anyway, we were really looking forward to showing him off to trick-or-treaters, but only got about four, so it was a little anti-climactic. He liked dressing up, though.
Oh, and Halloween introduced the concept of monsters to Bug. He's constantly running around yelling, "MONTER! MONTER!" Not scared, really, so much as crazed. He really loved the monster on the card Grandmommy sent him. Carried it around all day.
Lots of No
Benjamin has been able to express "No" for a very long time and in many different ways. Here is a list:
No way
*vigorous head shake*
No, thank you
But only in the last 2 weeks or so has he started expressing the idea of "Yes" outside of nodding. He now says a quiet "ye-et" more and more frequently. Wonder why the yes took so long?
Anyway, here's a cute pic since we haven't posted one in a while.
No way
*vigorous head shake*
No, thank you
But only in the last 2 weeks or so has he started expressing the idea of "Yes" outside of nodding. He now says a quiet "ye-et" more and more frequently. Wonder why the yes took so long?
Anyway, here's a cute pic since we haven't posted one in a while.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
First 3-Word Sentence!
Yesterday Benjamin said his first original 3-word sentence! He often repeats +2-word sentences he hears us say or on Noggin (ok, Nick Jr. now--boo!). But yesterday he said, "Mommy, boobie now." He used that sentence several times yesterday and again today. He is getting the concept of time which is crazy to wrap my brain around as it is a bit of an abstract concept. But this sentence is very important as the boobie has been all he has been able to have much of since he has been sick.
Benjamin woke up Saturday morning with a high fever and it just got higher through the day, reaching over 104 degrees. Even with alternating Motrin and Tylenol every three hours it was still around 103. But today he is better. But catching up on some much needed sleep. He actually slept 4 CONSECUTIVE hours this afternoon, waking up only because I roused him by trying to change his pee-soaked diaper and outfit. I needed the rest, too. I have missed laying down with him while he naps. Naps do us all a world of good. I'm pretty sure naps can save the world. We should have a Nap Movement. I think that's the answer to world peace. Rest makes us all feel better. And so do boobies.
Benjamin woke up Saturday morning with a high fever and it just got higher through the day, reaching over 104 degrees. Even with alternating Motrin and Tylenol every three hours it was still around 103. But today he is better. But catching up on some much needed sleep. He actually slept 4 CONSECUTIVE hours this afternoon, waking up only because I roused him by trying to change his pee-soaked diaper and outfit. I needed the rest, too. I have missed laying down with him while he naps. Naps do us all a world of good. I'm pretty sure naps can save the world. We should have a Nap Movement. I think that's the answer to world peace. Rest makes us all feel better. And so do boobies.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to Benjamin's Poppy!
In honor of Benjamin's Poppy's 72nd birthday, here is a beautiful piano concerto by the Bug himself performed at Grandmommy and Granddaddy's house in Burlington recently! We love you, Poppy!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hugs and Stuff
Benjamin has been really into hugs lately. And offering them when people seem troubled, get hurt, or just because he cares. It is extremely cute. Each hug is accompanied by the word hug. "Hug!" as he gives a squeeze. He also kisses, real ones now and also blowing kisses followed by a big "muwahh!" In particular this is part of his night time ritual with Halmoni (aka Mahni) as he heads off to bed. He gets a big bbo-bbo (kiss) on his head from her and then he throws her kisses as we head out the door to our room.
New Words
Dear Benjamin Bug,
Two days ago you said "Nope." for the first time and a day ago you said "Locked." (as in the back door and the bathroom door. You thrill us everyday with your new words. Hmm...yesterday was a blur so I can't remember what new words you said but I am sure it was something spectacular! You are so curious about everything in this world and love identifying it all with your little pointer and asking, "hmm?" or "ddoo?"
Two days ago you said "Nope." for the first time and a day ago you said "Locked." (as in the back door and the bathroom door. You thrill us everyday with your new words. Hmm...yesterday was a blur so I can't remember what new words you said but I am sure it was something spectacular! You are so curious about everything in this world and love identifying it all with your little pointer and asking, "hmm?" or "ddoo?"
Friday, September 25, 2009
"What's Gonna Work?"
While watching an episode of "Between the Lions" today Benjamin learned the words "pot" and "poke." The letter "p" was being featured and he really liked the storyline where the little boy had to fetch a 3-legged pot from his grandmother's house to bring back home for his mother to make potato soup (with peppers, parsley, and some other p-word I can't remember). Benjamin has been waaay into potatoes and soup lately so it was very serendipitous that the show was about both of these favorites. We got a pot and spatula out of the kitchen so he could make his own soup. He ended up creating a fabulous Block soup. Dee-lish! Very colorful and hearty. He loved stirring it up and feeding everybody, smiling as we expressed how yummy it was.
When Henry got home we talked about the two new words he learned today and thought we should make an effort to each teach him at least one new word a day. Since I was ahead of the game with two, Henry had to think of a good one. He decided to teach Benjamin the word "spatula" since it fell right in line with the theme of the day and what he was using to stir and feed us his soup. After several attempts at getting him to say it we figured it was maybe a bit too late and a bit too long of a word and we would try it again later.
We all snuggled into the bed to do our nightly sleepy-time routine. Benjamin likes to lay on me and kind of hang off the bed. I usually just reign him back in but tonight Henry rescued us as I yelled, "Daddy, help us!" And Henry sang a line of the Wonder Pets theme song, "What gonna work? Teamwork!" And Benjamin says back, "Teamwork!" So Henry got his word in before the day was done. And it was a nice word to end the day on.
On another Wonder Pets note Benjamin also said the word "honey" tonight for the first time while watching the Bee episode. But we can't take credit for that one.
When Henry got home we talked about the two new words he learned today and thought we should make an effort to each teach him at least one new word a day. Since I was ahead of the game with two, Henry had to think of a good one. He decided to teach Benjamin the word "spatula" since it fell right in line with the theme of the day and what he was using to stir and feed us his soup. After several attempts at getting him to say it we figured it was maybe a bit too late and a bit too long of a word and we would try it again later.
We all snuggled into the bed to do our nightly sleepy-time routine. Benjamin likes to lay on me and kind of hang off the bed. I usually just reign him back in but tonight Henry rescued us as I yelled, "Daddy, help us!" And Henry sang a line of the Wonder Pets theme song, "What gonna work? Teamwork!" And Benjamin says back, "Teamwork!" So Henry got his word in before the day was done. And it was a nice word to end the day on.
On another Wonder Pets note Benjamin also said the word "honey" tonight for the first time while watching the Bee episode. But we can't take credit for that one.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Happy 21-Month Birthday, Benjamin Bug!
Okay, so a whole month has gone by with no posts. A lot has happened this month. We lost Bum Bum, Ellie and Timber's baby dog and Benjamin's good friend. He still looks around for her when we mention her name and says "Good Girl!" So that has been hard. And I worked extra on some freelance projects plus lots of doctors appointments for Halmuni aka "Mahni." So with all that going on I realize that I used FaceBook a little more frequently to update people on Benjamin. Mostly through pictures. But here are a few posts that I grabbed from my FB page that happened between 20 and 21 months old.
strange to be called "Mom" & "Dad" by our baby. Still want to be "Mommy" & "Daddy."
August 20 at 10:16am
Had a wonderful family date tonight. Benjamin played on the swings, monkey bars, and slide for the first time!
August 29 at 8:40pm
Feeling like the world is different without the Bum Bum. We love and miss you, Baby Dog.
August 31 at 4:06pm
In more current Benjamin news his shoes from See Kai Run were delivered this afternoon. He loved opening the boxes and seeing them, all the while saying "shoes! shoes! shoes!" He wore them for most of the late afternoon and evening and when Mahni and I tried to take them off he said, "No! Mine!" and tried to run away. The baby likes his shoes and who can blame him? They are really cute! We'll try to get a good pic of them up soon. Thanks Poppy & Mahni for the early Christmas gift!
We love you, Benjamin Bug. We can't say it enough.
Mom & Dad
strange to be called "Mom" & "Dad" by our baby. Still want to be "Mommy" & "Daddy."
August 20 at 10:16am
Had a wonderful family date tonight. Benjamin played on the swings, monkey bars, and slide for the first time!
August 29 at 8:40pm
Feeling like the world is different without the Bum Bum. We love and miss you, Baby Dog.
August 31 at 4:06pm
In more current Benjamin news his shoes from See Kai Run were delivered this afternoon. He loved opening the boxes and seeing them, all the while saying "shoes! shoes! shoes!" He wore them for most of the late afternoon and evening and when Mahni and I tried to take them off he said, "No! Mine!" and tried to run away. The baby likes his shoes and who can blame him? They are really cute! We'll try to get a good pic of them up soon. Thanks Poppy & Mahni for the early Christmas gift!
We love you, Benjamin Bug. We can't say it enough.
Mom & Dad
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
So last Monday night, right before bedtime, Benjamin and I were drawing on a little magnetic sketchpad. Well, I was drawing mostly, but he helped fill in the negative space-- this is Daddy, by the way, Nisha's made the last few posts-- and he was telling me who to draw, or identifying people as I drew them. I drew Ernie & Bert from Sesame street and he'd say "Uhnnie!" or "Buht!" We also drew and discussed Mommie and Me and Elmo and Big Bird and Muno from Yo Gabba Gabba, all kinds of folks-- but Uhnnie & Buht were definitely his favorites. Maybe because of Ernie's and Bert's easily-identified head-shapes, a football and a pineapple, respectively. Anyway, we had a blast! He loved it. Good times.
And it left an impression. As you know, we've taught Bug a few signs over the past year. Simple stuff really, just to give him some extra communication options while his vocal abilities mature. He knows "more" and "milk" and stuff like that, just from watching us use them along with the words.
But last Wednesday was a banner day for his communication skills. He made up his very own sign! Like I said, the drawing left an impression. He popped up from a nap we were sharing Wednesday afternoon and poked me in the arm. "Daddy!" he said, then proceeded to use his adorable little index finger to "draw" on the palm of his other hand. "Daddy!" he repeated, and kept making the sign. He obviously wanted to do some more drawing! This is not a sign we're taught him, he just invented it to convey a want! Genius! Needless to say, we drew some more.
And it left an impression. As you know, we've taught Bug a few signs over the past year. Simple stuff really, just to give him some extra communication options while his vocal abilities mature. He knows "more" and "milk" and stuff like that, just from watching us use them along with the words.
But last Wednesday was a banner day for his communication skills. He made up his very own sign! Like I said, the drawing left an impression. He popped up from a nap we were sharing Wednesday afternoon and poked me in the arm. "Daddy!" he said, then proceeded to use his adorable little index finger to "draw" on the palm of his other hand. "Daddy!" he repeated, and kept making the sign. He obviously wanted to do some more drawing! This is not a sign we're taught him, he just invented it to convey a want! Genius! Needless to say, we drew some more.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day and 18-Month Birthday!
Sunday we celebrated our second Father's Day with Benjamin Bug. He made a special card, with a tracing of his feet on the cover, for his daddy as well as drawing him a picture of a tree. Pics soon!
And yesterday Benjamin turned 18 months old. A year and a half. Wow. Since his Halmoni was feeling up to it we went to the mall (his first time) and he toddled around and talked, quite loudly!, for most of the trip. We took a quick rest in the center of the mall when I heard him say, "tractor" several times. Being in the mall I was thinking there was no way there was a tractor anywhere around but he insisted and I followed his eyes and there in the middle of the mall was a large riding lawn mower that was being raffled off. He walked over to it yelling tractor over and over. I was floored. He was right, it looked just like a tractor. How does he know what a tractor is?? We just got him a book a few days ago that has different vehicles in it but have only gone over it a few times. But he remembered.
And yesterday Benjamin turned 18 months old. A year and a half. Wow. Since his Halmoni was feeling up to it we went to the mall (his first time) and he toddled around and talked, quite loudly!, for most of the trip. We took a quick rest in the center of the mall when I heard him say, "tractor" several times. Being in the mall I was thinking there was no way there was a tractor anywhere around but he insisted and I followed his eyes and there in the middle of the mall was a large riding lawn mower that was being raffled off. He walked over to it yelling tractor over and over. I was floored. He was right, it looked just like a tractor. How does he know what a tractor is?? We just got him a book a few days ago that has different vehicles in it but have only gone over it a few times. But he remembered.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Benjamin is officially walking today! Yesterday at the acupuncturist while we were waiting for Halmuni to get treatment he used her leopard print cane to toddle around. He called it his "walking stick" but it tripped him up almost as much as it did assist in his walking, especially when he insisted on holding the tip-top of the handle. But as long as he was holding it he had the confidence to move around the room. The same has been true with his Dora backpack we got him a week or two ago. It has a luggage pull handle and wheels on it and he will pick it up and walk around with it but never felt comfortable completely letting go and walking for more than a step or two on his own. But today he just started walking, freely on his own accord! I didn't tell Henry about it while he was at work because I was in denial. So when he got home he was surprised to see his little baby had turned into a walking boy in the few hours he was gone. I'm still in denial but his Uncle Billy got proof with these short videos below.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tub Talk
Here is sweet Benjamin taking a bath the night before his 17-month birthday. The video highlights some of his favorite words as well as his love of the water.
Happy 17 Months! You've learned so much!

One hundred and eleven words!
To commemorate Benjamin's 17 Month Birthday, we've compiled a list of the 111 words (and/or signs) that he uses regularly-- all of his own accord, these are not the product of mere mimicry-- he knows what all these mean, what they describe, and in many many cases how they taste!
He understands and responds to lots more words and signs than these, but below are the ones he uses to express his very cute thoughts.
1. Momma
2. Daddy
3. Halmoni*
4. Bum Bum
5. Dog
6. Poppy
7. Up
8. Woof
9. Meow
10. Cat
11. Boo!
12. Open
13. Help
14. Hey
15. Bye Bye
16. Hi
17. Sock
18. Night Night
19. Banana
20. Cookie
21. Cracker
22. Bop*
23. Bath
24. (tooth) Brush
25. Turtle
26. Light
27. Thtmhtmp! (elephant sound)
28. Raar! (lion sound)
29. Rrraarr! (dinosaur sound)
30. quack (duck sound)
31. bock (chicken sound)
32. More
33. Bug
34. Mine
35. Me
36. Benjamin
37. No
38. Bubble
39. Boobie
40. Ellie
41. Apple
42. Blueberry
43. Block
44. Baby
45. Car
46. Go
47. Poop
48. Dip
49. Book
50. Clock
51. Tick Tock
52. Tweet (bird sound)
53. Baaa (sheep sound)
54. Hook
55. Woosh (wind sound)
56. Dora
57. Yogabgabgabgabgabblblablablabab (yo gabba gabba)
58. Duck
59. Hat
60. Birthday
61. Aww
62. Egg
63. Waffle
64. Stick
65. Sticker
66. “puurrr”
67. Grrrr! (tiger sound)
68. boo boo
69. yucky
70. walk
71. run
72. boom
73. truck
74. pants
75. glasses
76. more (sign)
77. waving hi & bye (sign)
78. milk (sign)
79. Franklin
80. Booger
81. Button
82. Look!
83. My
84. Nein!! ("No" in German)
85. Nyumnyumnyum ("yum yum")
86. Wipe
87. Tickle
88. Hot
89. Shh
90. "What is this?" (this is pronounced "duwh" -- while pointing at things, the meaning is clear even if the pronunciation is creative)
91. oink (pig sound)
92. ball
93. three
94. abc (sign)
95. oscar
96. cookie (monster)
97. bird
98. big bird
99. burp
100. fart (sign)
101. balloon
102. rubber band
103. cupcake
104. splash
105. girl
106. oops
107. bahng goo *(fart)
108. moo (cow sound)
109. friend (sign)
110. backpack
111. beep beep
*Korean word
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
some favorite things
It's been a while since we've posted much-- we've been very busy with illness in the family, but Benjamin keeps on truckin and is growing and changing every day. He's cruising a lot (walking with the support of furniture, toys, dogs, and us), but not completely walking yet. But he's talking up a storm! One of my proudest moments was teaching him the word "butt." After learning it, he said it over and over and over for most of an hour. I'm such a positive influence!
Some other favorite words and pastimes...
His favorite snack these days is blueberries. (He'll eat more than 20 at a time if you let him.)
He's also still really into doggies (he used to refer to almost everything as "dog") but has really latched on to the word "baby" recently as a favorite. He has a little baby doll that he kisses (if you say "bopo baby" -- kiss in Korean -- he leans his head against her so she can give him a kiss).
He loves drinking from straws and playing with strings... and, speaking of strings, he just woke up and yanked my earbuds out of my ears by the cord.
Good morning, doodlebug!
Gotta run...
Some other favorite words and pastimes...
His favorite snack these days is blueberries. (He'll eat more than 20 at a time if you let him.)
He's also still really into doggies (he used to refer to almost everything as "dog") but has really latched on to the word "baby" recently as a favorite. He has a little baby doll that he kisses (if you say "bopo baby" -- kiss in Korean -- he leans his head against her so she can give him a kiss).
He loves drinking from straws and playing with strings... and, speaking of strings, he just woke up and yanked my earbuds out of my ears by the cord.
Good morning, doodlebug!
Gotta run...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Vegetarian No More
We kept putting off feeding Benjamin meat while we've been pondering our own lifestyle choice in regards to vegetarianism. But today our little Bug finally ate his first critter. A bit of chicken from Boston Market.
What can we say? We just couldn't commit the time and energy to make the change and felt like hypocrites denying him the full spectrum of things we enjoy (and were struggling to find enough protein-rich foods that he would actually eat more than a molecule of). He gobbled up several little pieces of chicken like he'd been doing it his whole life.
But, like with all things he eats, once he was done, he was DONE. You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make him eat a whole chicken in one sitting. Not that that's a good idea. It's late. I'm rambling. Night night, Benjamin.
What can we say? We just couldn't commit the time and energy to make the change and felt like hypocrites denying him the full spectrum of things we enjoy (and were struggling to find enough protein-rich foods that he would actually eat more than a molecule of). He gobbled up several little pieces of chicken like he'd been doing it his whole life.
But, like with all things he eats, once he was done, he was DONE. You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make him eat a whole chicken in one sitting. Not that that's a good idea. It's late. I'm rambling. Night night, Benjamin.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Last night Granddaddy Coffey was watching the Pittsburg vs. Baltimore football game on t.v. while Benjamin ate dinner in his high chair. Mommy decided to yell "touchdown!" and do the hand signal and then throw Benjamin's arms up in the air, too. He learns so fast! In two minutes he had it down pat. So now everytime anyone says "touchdown!" he throws his arms up in the air and grins so big! Both his Grandmommies (both way into sports) are so proud, I'm sure!
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