Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nine Month Check Up

Benjamin had his 9-month check up on _________. His percentages in length and weight has dropped from ___________ to _______________. His head has remained on the same curve. The doctor is not concerned, saying that after 6 months or so their growth kind of redistributes itself. She did comment that his verbal skills are excellent as he babbled away while she went over things with us. And he is hitting all the expected developmental milestones. So yey! The doc does want him to increase his solid consumption. Yeah, okay lady. She said to give him human green beans, like ones cooked for our dinner, cut up into pieces. I told her that he chokes on Level 2 baby food and without teeth how would he not choke on pieces of green beans?? So she said okay, to move up to Level 3 foods and offer them 3 times a day. She is worried that he won't take it well forever if he is not encouraged to do so now. I don't believe that. I think it will fall in line with his tooth development, which, at the time of the visit, he had none. His interest will come when he is ready and I don't feel like posing a choking risk just to press him into some artificial timeline. So there.

The next visit will be the one year which will include a finger prick to check for iron deficiency. Aww, poor Bug!


Dedwarmo said...

Ben is so cute! I'm with you on the solid foods thing. I don't know how young I was but somehow my Mom got us to eat vegetables at an early age. I think it was because she starved us and when you're hungry you'll eat anything.

Henry said...

that is so sad, david.