Yesterday Benjamin and Mommy went to vote early. All the polling volunteers commented on how wonderful it was that he came out to vote and that he was the youngest citizen to go through the line. And they gave him his very own "I voted early. Did you?" sticker and pasted it right on his little chest.
The Bug and I spent time chatting and playing before Daddy got home from work today. He played with the camera, holding it from different angles and looking at all the buttons. This is the first time I've let him hold it. I figured he deserved to hold it for all the times it's flashed in his face since birth as he patiently looks in the other direction. I can't wait to get him his own camera!
As I write this Benjamin and his Daddy are asleep in the bed. Very sweet. Benjamin was doing a little bit of everything before he eventually fell asleep on his dad's chest. He bonked his head on his dad's head, made farting noises on Mommy's boobs, cooed at the puppies at the end of the bed, roundhouse-sat in every direction, tried to crawl through the wall, tried to swallow Daddy's entire nose, etc. He eventually exhausted himself and Henry shushed him on into sleep. Good night, Sweet Benjamin Bug. We love you.