And (AND!!!) the Kivett Coma struck again. The Kivett house has a narcoleptic effect on the family. We walk in and within minutes our eyes become drowsy and we start nodding off. Well, even Benjamin succumbed to its influence. The child took a 4 hour nap! Four whole consecutive hours! This is the same kid who, if he gets in a 45 minute nap at home while being held we are thrilled! And the effect has been long lasting. Since that fateful Saturday afternoon he has slept almost 3 times as much as he normally does. Yeah, today is only Wednesday but that is still great. Maybe this is a turning point in his total sleep routine? We are relieved because we were so worried that he wouldn't grow well (growth hormone is released during bouts of extended sleep) only taking 2 mini-naps a day totaling no more than an hour. Fingers crossed the new trend is here to stay!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cousins & the Kivett Coma
Over the Memorial Day weekend Benjamin was reunited with his cousins, Lizzie (4 years old) and Luke (8 months old). The last time they saw each was in the hospital when Benjamin was born. Even though they are only 3 months apart you can see from the pics that Luke is a tad larger than Benjamin.

And (AND!!!) the Kivett Coma struck again. The Kivett house has a narcoleptic effect on the family. We walk in and within minutes our eyes become drowsy and we start nodding off. Well, even Benjamin succumbed to its influence. The child took a 4 hour nap! Four whole consecutive hours! This is the same kid who, if he gets in a 45 minute nap at home while being held we are thrilled! And the effect has been long lasting. Since that fateful Saturday afternoon he has slept almost 3 times as much as he normally does. Yeah, today is only Wednesday but that is still great. Maybe this is a turning point in his total sleep routine? We are relieved because we were so worried that he wouldn't grow well (growth hormone is released during bouts of extended sleep) only taking 2 mini-naps a day totaling no more than an hour. Fingers crossed the new trend is here to stay!
And (AND!!!) the Kivett Coma struck again. The Kivett house has a narcoleptic effect on the family. We walk in and within minutes our eyes become drowsy and we start nodding off. Well, even Benjamin succumbed to its influence. The child took a 4 hour nap! Four whole consecutive hours! This is the same kid who, if he gets in a 45 minute nap at home while being held we are thrilled! And the effect has been long lasting. Since that fateful Saturday afternoon he has slept almost 3 times as much as he normally does. Yeah, today is only Wednesday but that is still great. Maybe this is a turning point in his total sleep routine? We are relieved because we were so worried that he wouldn't grow well (growth hormone is released during bouts of extended sleep) only taking 2 mini-naps a day totaling no more than an hour. Fingers crossed the new trend is here to stay!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Five Months Old Today!
Hooray! Benjamin is 5 months old today. It was a gorgeous day so we took some pics of him outside in his new bug cap.
Here are a list of some of his favorite things at this moment in time:
-his favorite word to hear is "splash"
-his favorite word to say is "ugh-a-lug"
-he is working on saying "hey", "hi", and "good morning"
-he loves to stand (hates to bend at the waist)
-he enjoys watching Craig Ferguson's (The Late Late Show) monologue before his 8:30am nap
-he still enjoys his changing table and his solar system painting that hangs above it
-he loves music and really gets into American Idol. We haven't broken the news to him that the season is over
-he loves to dance and jump
-he likes looking at light sources still. We are concerned he is going to burn his retinas out
-he likes the song we've sung to him since birth. It goes, "who's a momma's baby? who's a daddy's baby? momma baby!(high voice) daddy baby!(low voice) momma baby! (high voice) daddy baby! (low voice)
-looking at people upside down

Here are a list of some of his favorite things at this moment in time:
-his favorite word to hear is "splash"
-his favorite word to say is "ugh-a-lug"
-he is working on saying "hey", "hi", and "good morning"
-he loves to stand (hates to bend at the waist)
-he enjoys watching Craig Ferguson's (The Late Late Show) monologue before his 8:30am nap
-he still enjoys his changing table and his solar system painting that hangs above it
-he loves music and really gets into American Idol. We haven't broken the news to him that the season is over
-he loves to dance and jump
-he likes looking at light sources still. We are concerned he is going to burn his retinas out
-he likes the song we've sung to him since birth. It goes, "who's a momma's baby? who's a daddy's baby? momma baby!(high voice) daddy baby!(low voice) momma baby! (high voice) daddy baby! (low voice)
-looking at people upside down
Look out, Guinea!
The veil has been lifted. You are no longer invisible. About two weeks ago Guinea was in her filthy chair cleaning herself when it happened. She felt it. Benjamin had locked eyes on her for the first time. She stopped mid-lick and cautiously stared back. "Oh, crap."
They stayed frozen in the stare-down for a good thirty seconds. Then Guinea, slowly, slinked away, hoping his eyes would not follow her. But they did. "Oh, crap."
When Benjamin starts walking she better look out! They both have claws and neither one has teeth so they are pretty evenly matched. Oh, crap.
They stayed frozen in the stare-down for a good thirty seconds. Then Guinea, slowly, slinked away, hoping his eyes would not follow her. But they did. "Oh, crap."
When Benjamin starts walking she better look out! They both have claws and neither one has teeth so they are pretty evenly matched. Oh, crap.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Belated Four Months
We are a little behind the times. Benjamin turned 4 months old on April 22. Here are a few pictures from that day. Grandma Kim and Grandpa Ray were still visiting then. If I remember correctly it was a Tuesday. We just hung out at home, playing, eating, trying to coax a nap or two, and waiting for Henry to get home from his long day at work. Pretty exciting stuff for a four-month birthday! Five months is right around the corner....

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