Friday, February 22, 2008


Little Benjamin is pretty upset about getting older...

If it weren't for his favorite pastime ever- watching his mobile go round and round- he'd be totally inconsolable!

He loves it more than anything!

...and even talks to the critters!

Pretty sure they talk back too-- see how attentive he is to his friends!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Weight

The nurse stopped by the house on Thursday to check on us. To our delight she weighed Benjamin and he was 7 pounds and 7 ounces! The last time he was weighed he was a mere 5 pounds 9 ounces on January 7th. So in a month he has gained nearly 2 pounds! Now he is the size of an average newborn!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


For anybody who's counting, Benjamin's 6 weeks old today.

He's developing quite a range of expressions.

Some better than others...

Takes a while to learn to smile, but frowning is apparently written right into the DNA!


Preemie-Sized Benjamin was too small for the Newborn-Sized Cloth Diapers we'd purchased when he was first born. Now that he's plumped up, we're giving cloth dypies a try. Here's our first attempt at changing cloth diapers, and his first attempt at filling one up!

Mmmmm. Butterscotch Pudding!

Breastmilk poop is the prettiest!

Oh the humanity!

Please don't show this to my prom date!